MIDI triggering in Propellerhead Reason

In this guide, you'll learn how to use MIDI notes in Reason to trigger LFOs in ShaperBox (ReverbShaper, TimeShaper, DriveShaper, NoiseShaper, FilterShaper Core, LiquidShaper, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper, PanShaper, WidthShaper), FilterShaper XL, MidiShaper, PanCake and Nicky Romero Kickstart.

When this technique is used, the LFO will play from the beginning every time a MIDI note is received. Thus, the LFO can be triggered in any rhythm you like — sidechain your bassline to a non-4/4 kick drum pattern, for example.

Please note that Reason's Export and Bounce options are unable to take MIDI triggering of audio effects into account (as at January 2023), so you'll need to manually record your MIDI-triggered plugin tracks via your audio interface's loopback system or other method.

1. Enable MIDI Trigger mode

In ShaperBox 1, FilterShaper 3, VolumeShaper 4 or PanShaper 1, select a 'MIDI Triggered' or 'MIDI 1-Shot' triggering mode. In ShaperBox 2 or 3, FilterShaper XL or Kickstart 2, set the MIDI Trigger mode to 'On' or 'On (1-shot)'. Make sure ‘Direct From DAW’ is selected as the MIDI Port in the Cableguys plugin’s MIDI Setup page.

2. Create a Track for triggering the plugin

Right-click the Cableguys plugin Device in the Rack and select 'Create Track for [name of Cableguys plugin] 1'. A Track will appear in the track list – right-click it and select 'New Note Lane'.

3. Add the triggering MIDI notes

On the Note Lane you just created, insert MIDI notes in the rhythm with which you want to trigger the Cableguys plugin.

Any note will work, except when ShaperBox or ShaperBox 2's Wave-switching MIDI Trigger option is enabled, in which case only C notes will retrigger the LFO Wave.